- We value customer's trust as the best value.
Hyukdo Kee
- Hanwha Asset Management
- Government Employees Pension Fund
- Ph.D in Business Admin. at Konkuk Univ.
- B.A in Political Sc. at Seoul National Univ.
Robert Baek
Senior Managing Director / Compliance Officer
- Keystone Private Equity
- Multi Asset Global Investements
- DGB Asset Management
- B.A & MBA in Economy at Yonsei Univ.
Taehyun Jie
Senior Managing Director / Investment 1 Div.
- Samsung SRA Asset Management
- Samsung Life Insurance
- MBA in Real Estate at Konkuk Univ.
- B.A in Business Admin. at Sogang Univ.
Yongwon Jung
Director / Multi Asset Div.
- MJ Investment
- The Heritage Investment
- Topaz Investment
- B.A in Arts at Kyonggi Univ.
Taewon Kim
Director / Investment 3 Div.
- HHR Asset Management
- China Construction Bank, Seoul Br.
- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp, Singapore Br.
- B.A in Accounting & Business at Indiana Univ., U.S
Jin Kim
Director / Investment 2 Div.
- Korea Investment Management
- Savills Korea
- Samsung C&T
- MBA in Real Estate at Aalto Univ., Finland
Sanghyeok Lee
Deputy General Manager / Investment 1 Div.
- S&I Corporation
- ChunghoNais
- B.A in History at Dongguk Univ.
Danny Oh
Deputy General Manager / Investment 2 Div.
- Korea Investment Management
- B.A in Real Estate at Konkuk Univ.
Namkeun Kang
Deputy General Manager / Investment 2 Div.
- Kyobo Life Insurance
- B.A in Applied Statistics at Sejong Univ.
Ilho Sim
Assistant Manager / Multi Asset Div.
- B.A in Global Business Management at Inha Univ.
Suyong Lee
Assistant Manager / Investment 2 Div.
- B.A in Hospitality & Real Estate at The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Jinsu Go
Assistant Manager / Investment 3 Div.
- B.A in Spanish Language at Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies